Favorite Verse of the Moment

"The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made." Psalm 145:13

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This is another painting for James Parker's April challenge. I seem to get on a roll with certain subject matter and I just have to go with it until I exhaust it. I really enjoyed painting this one. I had a little bit of fun with the color. Trying to losen up a bit - I know I have a loooong way to go on that. Enjoying the process very much. I decided to change the background of the image James posted, crop it, and make it very lively and bright. Hope it brings a smile to your face! Thanks again, James for the challenges!

10 x 10
Acrylic on gallery-wrapped canvas
Contact me if you're interested in this one


  1. The flowers are great, when you get famous.....

  2. Both florals are very eye catching, great painting. I am enjoying the challenges James has also. What fun and the variety makes you want to paint. Love seeing your submissions

  3. Thanks Bev!
    I appreciate you stopping by to give me a boost. It's such a learning process. Thanks for the encouragement! Looking forward to seeing your next submission as well.
