Favorite Verse of the Moment

"The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made." Psalm 145:13

Monday, April 12, 2010

Were you born in a barn?

I've always liked barns...maybe because I never had to clean one or stock it with hay. I have a very good friend with one. She still likes barns. It's her dream to travel the country some day taking photographs of barns along the way. I hope she does it. In looking through some very talented artists/bloggers work I was inspired to bring out a barn I painted awhile back. It's nothing special. It was actually one of my first paintings. I'm sure I've violated some copyright law by painting/posting it. At the time it was on the "Eggland's Best" website. They've since removed it. Some of you researchers may look it up and let me know what has become of the image and how I've violated it somehow.

What hit me as I was preparing to post it was that phrase, "Were you born in a barn?" I couldn't help but think of One who basically WAS born in a barn - a stable. Of all the places to be born. It gives me incredible comfort to know that my Savior was born in a barn. He, of all, knows stench...and He can take it. Man we stink sometimes, don't we? Never what we should be, would like to be, or could be. Falling short, turning our backs. Well, stinky! I like what Sarah Young says in her devotional book, Jesus Calling. "I love you regardless of how well you are performing. Sometimes you feel uneasy, wondering if you are doing enough to be worthy of My Love. No matter how exemplary your behavior, the answer to that question will always be no. Your performance and My Love are totally different issues, which you need to sort out. I love you with an everlasting love."
Kinda makes barns more appealing, a place where you can be real and know that the stench gets washed away afresh by the One who is strong enough to take it, and loves you despite it.


  1. Julie, thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your sweet comments. It is good to see someone else from Tennessee blogging!
    I love what you wrote in this post—definitely words we all need to hear.
    I'm glad God led me to your blog today. I love your work and especially this barn. :)

  2. Hi, I wasn't born in a barn either, yet I have a passion for them. I invite you to visit my photo blog devoted to Midwestern Barns. http://ernestjschweit.blogspot.com

    ernie schweit

  3. Carol,
    Thanks so much for stopping by! You've made my day. I'm so new to all of this. It's so much fun to "meet" other bloggers and see their work. Thanks for your kind words. I needed the boost today.
    God's blessings!

  4. Ernie,
    Thanks so much for stopping by. Your blog is just beautiful. And your photos..a painter's dream! Your passion really shows through in your work. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on barns and what they represent to you. I have family that continues to farm. Yes, good, hard working, solid people you can depend on.
    God's continued blessings on your work.

  5. Julie
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for the comments on my painting. I love your barn painting and certainly love the community of other artists and the fellowship given.

  6. Thanks so much, Julie.
    It's great to "meet" you. :)
    God's blessings!

  7. What a great picture! I just happen to love barns too! :-) Great job with your paintings and your witness too!
