Favorite Verse of the Moment

"The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made." Psalm 145:13

Sunday, February 17, 2013

L'il Ol' Sheep

5 x 7
Acrylic on canvas
This little guy is more a representation of me than anything else.  Sheep are not the brightest creatures on earth.  Sometimes it seems it takes quite awhile for God's truth to sink its way from my head into my heart and out into my life lived out.  I seem to have to relearn God's truths over and over.  Can anyone relate?  Sheep must rely on their shepherd for everything.  They are not meant to be self-sufficient.  Still, I often try.  I'm always thinking I have to be the one to plan, to see ahead, to think through and be prepared for things - what a joke.  Only God has access to the future, has an awesome plan, and the power to carry it out.  The question is, will I go my own way trying to see ahead to things I cannot see or relax and let the Shepherd take over?  Will you? 
"To Him who is able to keep you from stumbling...be glory and majesty."  Jude 24-25