Favorite Verse of the Moment

"The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made." Psalm 145:13

Saturday, April 6, 2013


This is my girl, Lilly.  She is deaf.  It's a good thing she has a kitty friend to guide her around.  We adopted two cats at the same time from a shelter a few years ago. Lilly loves to be near people but prefers to be ON them.  Her partner in sweet crime is a  big fan of my crochet projects.  When the yarn comes out, he takes that as his personal invitation to stretch out on my pattern book and go to sleep.  The calm, peace, and joy they give humbles me.

I talk to my students often about the beautiful variety of creatures God created.  Why did He do that?  Because it pleased Him to do so, and I dare say, He knew it would please us.  I love that He bothered to put such sweetness into the creatures He asked us to care for.  Many of us have had a special pet that we really seemed to connect with.  Do you really think that's an accident?  I love how God truly does keep in mind all of our needs...and He fills them so tenderly.  I hope you enjoy this picture of one of my precious gifts. I pray God would help us all to have eyes to see the blessings He has given us, and that this knowledge would lead us to stronger faith in Him.
God's blessings.