Favorite Verse of the Moment

"The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made." Psalm 145:13

Monday, May 31, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about storms these past few days. Some storms are genuine, undeniable storms - like illness, death, divorce, and some are more self-made, like worry, fear, and regret. Storms are much easier to wait out and press through with good friends. I was blessed to spend some time today with a very close friend of mine who helped me gain some good perspective on a particular storm I'm going through right now. Afterward, I was reminded of a plaque my mom had displayed on our kitchen window sill growing up. She and my dad know a lot about storms, and who to turn to when they hit. It said, "Sometimes the Lord calms the storm. Sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child." Today, through my sweet friend, He calmed His child. I am so grateful for that. Isn't it awesome to know that we are never alone?! We may not always understand, see the big picture, and life is sometimes about loss...but He goes through the storm with us AND promises to see us through. I think that's pretty awesome.
God bless.
10 x 10
Acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas
Contact me if you're interested

Sunday, May 30, 2010

"Purple Posies"

These little purple "posies" are in honor of my dear courageous friend who is going through a very difficult time right now. I guess they are my "virtual bouquet." It is hard to watch people that you care about go through things you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. But, she is doing so with grace, courage, honesty, and grit. Most importantly she is holding on to her Daddy's hand while doing so. I love this promise from Isaiah - for anyone who feels the need once in awhile to reach up and hang on to someone bigger, stronger, wiser, better, and full of love and understanding - "For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13 Sometimes ya just need someone to hold your hand.
God's peace!

6 x 6
Acrylic of gallery wrapped canvas

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Ok, the title may be a bit cheesy...the "Tiptoe through the Tulips" song was going through my head as I went to post this. Some of you know what I'm talking about. I grew up surrounded by music...of all types. With that said, I decided to try this challenge for Rookie Painter using a different approach than I normally do. I set out to be looser with my brush strokes. I went through several stages of talking myself through the "oh, you've got to be kidding me" and "this stinks" to "chill out and hold on," and "keep working." Then it was "just let it dry and go back with oil pastels." That's the thing...working through the process of how I handle my own expectations and plans for the thing. It doesn't always work out the way I hope it will, and I don't always have the technical skills to pull it off the way I'd like. But, hopefully in the process I'll learn something, grow and enjoy myself along the way. Sounds kinda like life. God's blessings!

10 x 10
acrylic w/ oil pastel
gallery wrapped canvas
contact me if you're interested in this one

Monday, May 10, 2010

Quite a Pair

This little number is a late (non)submission after a challenge that was posted on the website Paint and Draw Together. I loved the photo and decided I would try my hand at it. I worked and reworked (and reworked) the shading/shadows on this one. It was a great challenge for me. I would like to paint in again, do it in another style as well. I was looking at the little pears and thinking of the message that seems to be following me around a lot lately. One pear is standing, the other seems to have fallen to it's little knees. Some days are like that. Some days I feel so strong and I want to stand bravely soaking in the Son-shine, other days I feel I have so little to give and wonder how I'll ever contribute anything worthwhile... I'm so glad I don't have to rely on my own strength - in fact, I'm being reminded quite a bit lately that the on the knees part, being open, being empty of myself is the best place to be. When I'm less of the focus, He can be more. Hmm... sounds pretty freeing. Maybe I'll stand and sing! :)
8 x 10
acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas
contact me for pricing and availability