Favorite Verse of the Moment

"The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made." Psalm 145:13

Sunday, June 6, 2010


This painting was done about a year ago following an amazing trip I took to Monterey, CA to visit my sister and brother in law. We drove up along the coast. She patiently stopped and stopped and stopped the car to let me get out and photograph the breathtaking view. While the photograph I took of this little spot is by far much more beautiful than the painting which represents it, I posted it for a few reasons - (1) I spent my evening making cool little mini pot pies for my husband and myself using a muffin tin and little mini tops as lids and now don't have lots of time left for painting (2) I'm thinking of my sister who will be moving soon and remembering the time we had together last year and how much it meant to me, and (3) I'm trying to let go of my somewhat perfectionistic tendencies and just let things be what they are. I titled this blog entry "Overlook" for two reasons - it has a photo of a view overlooking the water as it flows into a little inlet area, and also because I am trying to learn to "overlook" those things in my life that have no real value. Lately the brick to my head that God has had to use on me reads, "Relax, Julie. I got this." The message loud and clear has been that God never intended for me to micromanage the details and events in my life - first of all He is MUCH better qualified and second of all, I just get anxious and upset when I try. Why? Because I can't see the end result. I just end up fretting over what could be/might be/could've been instead of enjoying what is. So, with that said, here's a painting I did to remind me of a very special time in my life. It COULD be great if I continued to fret and work it over. But somehow, just for tonight...I think I'll overlook it's flaws and spend my time enjoying what is. Because...I am tremendously blessed, and I don't want to dishonor Him and His gifts to me by missing it. God's blessings!
11 x 14
acrylic and oil pastel
gallery wrapped canvas


  1. Boy are you talking to me! Love the composition, it draws you right into the beautiful water. Wow, how true is it that we get so busy worrying about the outcome that we don't enjoy the moment. Looking at my boys last night and thought I really need to be soaking up every moment because it goes so fast. Thanks be to God!!

  2. Hello Julie,
    So nice to meet another artist/blogger. Lovely painting and sentiments you've expressed. Hope to see more of your work.

  3. Carol D,
    Yes! Thanks be to God! I'll give out an "Amen" on that one. :) Hug those boys for me...my boy is gone with his dad to visit family in FL. I'm missing him so badly! He's such an amazing and wonderful part of my life. I am so blessed to be his mom. I'm glad you enjoyed the painting and the post...God provided the scenery...and the thoughts. I've heard it said that none of us truly have an original thought. ;)

    Carol B,
    Thanks so much for stopping by. It's great to meet you! I enjoyed reading your bio and seeing your work. Happy you enjoyed the site. Hope you'll come back and visit again. God's blessings!
