Favorite Verse of the Moment

"The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made." Psalm 145:13

Friday, March 23, 2012


This is my current project - an afghan for my son's room.  I made it way too long...so now it will take extra time to finish it.  I like quick projects.  Ha!  What was I thinking?  I've come to understand the value of crochet.  Not just for its usefulness, which is something I appreciate, but because of what it creates in the one doing the crochet.  I'm learning patience.  They say it is a virtue.  It is also a fruit of the Spirit.  I'm expected to exhibit it, learn it, show it, use it.  Yikes.  Thankfully, God is more patient than I, and He is happy to help us in our weakness.  Crochet is helping, I think.  There are no shortcuts unless you want things to fall apart or look terrible.  Kind of a metaphor don't ya think?  We rush things in life we make mistakes, we screw up, things can fall apart or go off in the wrong direction.  My devotions have been talking a lot lately about how God is in control of our lives and is quite capable of planning and taking care of things - but only one person can drive a car.  If I grab the wheel, well...you know.

My family and I just returned from a quick trip to Chattanooga.  Thanks for a great time, Chattanooga!  I drove.  Ever driven for a long time and then had the luxury of someone else taking over the wheel?  Feels good, huh?  I started thinking about the times I grab the wheel away from God.  "Lord, umm...I know You are my Creator and you promise "all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose"  and I gave you my life, but, umm...it doesn't look like you're doing it my way?  I would do it much different.  Couldn't we go a little faster?  What if there isn't a rest stop up ahead?  I'm going to be exhausted.  Watch out for that!  Oh, I thought we would take an exit here.  What if there aren't any opportunities up ahead to eat?  Have you been on this road before?"  UGH!  So.  Here I sit with my crochet by my side just home from a road trip.  On the horizon I see three separate things about which I could very easily scream, "Watch out, God!  Are you looking?  What if....."  But, I will say a prayer instead, thank Him that He is the driver, ask Him to help me enjoy being a passenger, put my trust in His promises to get me there (wherever the THERE is that He's taking me next), and crochet, breathe, crochet, breathe, crochet.  Here's to getting out of the driver's seat and enjoying the ride.

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