Favorite Verse of the Moment

"The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made." Psalm 145:13

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Three

God has been workin' on me lately. I'm enjoying so much learning how much He intends for His children to live lives of freedom. I'm learning how much I've put limits on Him in my own mind. I've spent more time in quiet and less in asking for things. I've spent more time writing and less time painting. I'm re-learning how important organization is, especially when you've got 18 sets of little eyes staring at you. There's no such thing as "down time." You snooze, you lose them. And, I'm remembering how much I love teaching.

I wanted to do something more about quiet and peace and less about subject matter. I plugged in my ipod, closed my door, and spent the most awesome time basically singing/worshipping while I painted. I had no vision at all except for the blue and orange. I knew I wanted some circles there. When I finished (singing more than painting) I ended up staring at this painting. It makes me so happy when I look at it. I know it's just a total personal connection I have to it. But, that's what art is for, I guess.

God's blessings.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Poppy Break

I was taking a break from my school preparations, looking through some websites for art to add to my blah green kitchen sitting room area. I feel like I'm in a hayfield when I'm in there. For someone who loves color so much, ya sure wouldn't know it by lookin' in there! Green and tan, shades of brown. Ugh. After browsing several sites I decided to do my own version of a poppy - a little mini inspiration piece... a "poppy" break. Pardon the potty humor. I have a 9 year old. Anyway, here is the result of my little break. A quick slap of color here and there and 'sigh' I felt much better. Every once in awhile we all need to stop and take a break to enjoy the beautiful colors in God's creation.
God bless!
6 x 6
Gallery wrapped canvas

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Freeform Trees

Wow. I'm amazed (and embarrassed) it's been so long since I've posted! I've been trying to get my head into getting back into the classroom while hanging on to the last shreds of summer. I guess all of my creativity is being utilized elsewhere?! This painting I've called "freeform trees" because when I began it I had no intention of doing trees, and, well, they are so free form. I picked up the color and just began moving it around the canvas. Autumn colors are my favorite so I just had to add them up against the vivid blue background. I enjoyed myself. I'm ready for fall, for the cool in the air, the smell and crunch of the leaves. I'm ready for cool mornings, hot chocolate, chicken pot pie in the evenings, a great glass of wine that warms you going down. Ahhhh. I think about the wonderful changes that make each season a welcome change and I can't help but smile and appreciate the Creator who enjoys variety so much He included it in each and every thing He created. I love that about Him. It's like He knew we'd get bored, need change, want to take in the splendor of new and different things, but needed a bit of security and familiarity too. As a painting novice, and one of His kids, I gotta respect that even more. And how cool is it that He lets us enjoy being creative and gave us so much to inspire us.
God's blessings.
10 x 10